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You will be missed!

okay. now that ive already gathered myself a bit (done watching the episode the 2nd time), im gonna give you a piece of my mind about the show. and that episode.

while i was watching last season's (season 8) last episode, i already had that slight hunch that something 'not good' will happen to
warrick brown. i thought he might get suspended or beat up or kidnapped. just like what happened to his friend, nick stokes. warrick has such an intense emotional character. i had seen him cry, get mad and even get pissed on the past seasons and episodes of the show, and i have always thought that he is such a fine actor. he had a very passionate character and he carried it out pretty well. i especially like his deep loyalty to his friends, and devotion to his work. he is one of my favorites and i have always loved the entire team.

each of them has a unique character and personality that is just perfect for the show.
i have always love how each of them care and empathize with one another. there is so much passion in the show that i can't even think of a single episode that didn't get my complete attention the entire time i was watching it.

i have loved the show ever since day one. cable or no cable, csi has always been my favorite show. never in my life did i have a dvd collection of any show, or movie for that matter.
and no show has ever touched me as much as csi did. just csi. 'coz sometimes, when you watch a show like this for so long, its like the characters are real. and sometimes it does feel that way. at times, i feel as if im part of the team, of the family. as if their loss is my loss. and it did hurt. and i cried. i cried a lot.

and now, with warrick gone, i can't even begin to imagine how the show would come out the next time. ive been spending some time searching for reasons behind his death (getting him off the show) and rumor has it that he was charged for this various drug-related issues that he had. some claimed that he wanted off the show himself. whichever is true, still the fact remains that he's never coming back.

when the last episode of season 8 was ending, i was already on my feet,
holding my breath as i was watching it. thou it has been a few months since it was shown on tv, i was able to see it only a few weeks ago. so when it ended, ive been trying to stop myself from checking on season 9 spoilers on the net. there was no way im gonna spoil the most thrilling, mind-buggling, heartwrenching, tear-jerking episode of the show! so when the time has come for me to actually watch the full premiere episode of this season, i can't contain myself. tears fall from the very first scene to the last. it was the most heartbreaking csi episode i have ever seen (if my memory serves me right). the sight of his 'father-figure' supervisor gil grissom, holding him in his arms as he was trying to take is last breaths, the sight of grissom pleading him to hold on, the sound of his own blood choking him and just the sight of him lying there in grissom's arms just broke my heart.

what touched me the most was the way his team -his friends, his family - grieved over him and tried so hard to serve him justice and continue his fight. seeing the look on his team's faces made me cry even more! now, there's nothing else i can do. the new episodes are not even online yet. so i guess ill just be left here grieving and thinking about him and the team's loss until i get the chance to see the next one. i hope by then, reality would sink in that this is just a show and it must go on...with or without warrick brown.

ps: just a few more episodes and sara sidle and gil grissom will follow (get off). goodluck to csi. i bet it'll never be the same without their original team. im a GSR fan too, you know. :)

pps: here are the last scenes of "for warrick" episode with grissom's eulogy. also some scenes from the past seasons...


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