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Showing posts from November, 2008

Barney Craze! (the Sequel)

like i promised, here are some of the pictures we took during our malling last weekend. it was a saturday and a payday, plus they had this midnight weekend sale. so as expected, it was almost chaos with people strolling, sale-hunting, and window-shopping that day. unlucky for us since i can't just leave ezra roaming around with all that crowd, so half the time i was carrying him. since we can't do much shopping, we decided to just dine, hang out (tambay), and chill until the mall closes. anyway, we were initially on our way to the upper floors when we came across barney and his friends. you can just imagine ezra's face when he saw that HUGE figure of barney standing right in front of him. he can't even wait for me to put him down that he resisted and tried to get off me just so he can come up to barney and get a closer look at him. so we took some pictures (yup. he posed even before i had my camera on) and i spent the next 10 minutes after that to convince him to leave ...

Barney Craze!

i can't remember but i guess ezra's fascination with barney started like a few weeks back. and since non-cable tvs only have at most 2 barney shows a day, i decided to buy him the dvd collection so he can watch it anytime he wants. i can still remember the night i brought home that dvd, he got this really huge smile on his face paired with his trademark..."WOW!!!" yup. he says that all the time. i almost always make it point to bring him something (pasalubong) every night after work, and i almost always get this "wow" expression of his. makes me feel good as well, knowing he appreciates every little thing i get for him. :) so anyway, everytime he wishes to watch his favorite show, he just comes up to anyone at home and say "...arney!" yup. no "b". he still has a couple months before he turns two so he's not that good yet with words and phrases, but he sure is doing a great job in expressing his needs and wants thru actions and keyword...

Ditch the diapers!

Just when i thought potty training isn't such a big of a deal, i found myself with an empty diaper and a plastic full of poop-soaked paper towels in one hand, and a screaming almost-two year old in the other! i know. it IS a very big deal. for both the parent and the kid, most especially if the kid you're trying to train is not ready yet. i've come across a lot of articles before that describe in detail, some even have step-by-step instructions, on how to get the job done. what i did was just browse through them, read at most one or two articles and then sorta forget about it as if its just another story on the web. what the heck. ezra haven't even turned one then, i wasn't really taking the tips seriously. Argh. i should've known better. lesson learned: it is never too early to prepare . i can already sense it. ezra is almost ready (and excited!) to ditch the diapers. the thing is, i can also sense that he's not yet ready to be potty trained. of course he ...

Ezra on a Donkey

Like i mentioned here , we went malling the other day. It was A Saturday, which was supposed to be a working day, but SuperMom insisted on staying at home in the morning and chilling at the mall the rest of the day. We checked the terraces when we got there (which was a pretty nice place), had dinner and played at the timezone. Ezra had so much fun trying on every ride he can get his butt on. and we got this one on the record...

A mock call

usually, when im at work, i call the house at least 3 times in a day. mostly to check on ezra. and if im lucky enough, ezra agrees to get the phone and talk to me. but what i get are just 'hello...", "mommy...", and the most popular response, "bye!" so last night, we were making these mock calls. so i won't get all bye's whenever i call... :)

No Trick, All Treats!

october 31, 2008. ezra's first trick-or-treat. (im not sure if people saw him as a "small devil' or the "little red riding hood" :>) (little red riding hood, is that you?) at the last minute, we got ezra a costume. as expected, most costumes really cost a fortune (at least for me). i didn't really think of buying him one before the actual trick-or-treat 'coz i figured i could just use some stuff that my siblings used in the past years. (check out the eyebrows...we wanted to outline and thicken his brows to make it look more "devilish", but after one try he wouldn't let us touch the other one!) unfortunately, not a single costume was found. we got one that'll fit a teenager but not a 1+ yr old toddler! can't even find a store in the area that still sells the damn pumpkin. thank God, my dad found one that very day. (the lighting on the phone camera made his face turn/look red, another "devilish" effect) so we headed of...

A fair CUT

late post : October 30, 2008 ezra got his second haircut today. :) he got his first one months ago. and since im a super-busy-MOM, i wasn't able to spare some time to bring him to the salon. bad mommy... then recently, when i noticed that his bangs were already covering and touching his eyes, i swore id bring him there asap. so this afternoon, when everyone at work was holding there small meeting, i sneaked out and brought ezra out for a haircut. :) now so much fresher aye? :) check out the side view. he was often mistaken for a baby girl before but now, he looks so "manly"(binata) already. i feel like i'm losing my baby already... :( ps: im so busy lately that i wasn't able to take "good quality" pics of his new look. hence, the bad pics and the late post as well.