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Barney Craze!

i can't remember but i guess ezra's fascination with barney started like a few weeks back. and since non-cable tvs only have at most 2 barney shows a day, i decided to buy him the dvd collection so he can watch it anytime he wants.

i can still remember the night i brought home that dvd, he got this really huge smile on his face paired with his trademark..."WOW!!!"

yup. he says that all the time. i almost always make it point to bring him something (pasalubong) every night after work, and i almost always get this "wow" expression of his. makes me feel good as well, knowing he appreciates every little thing i get for him. :)

so anyway, everytime he wishes to watch his favorite show, he just comes up to anyone at home and say "...arney!" yup. no "b". he still has a couple months before he turns two so he's not that good yet with words and phrases, but he sure is doing a great job in expressing his needs and wants thru actions and keywords.

PS: we went malling last weekend, and it was a coincidence that barney stuffs were being showcased there. check 'em out in the next post. :)


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